Combining of a decade of experience in graphic design with their background in stage magic and professional wrestling, Eden’s approach is personality and character-driven, focusing on finding the "vibe" of your project or business. Once that vibe, that essence of what makes you, you, is defined, Eden will develop it into a one-of-a-kind visual identity package that makes you stand out amongst the crowd and turns the heads of potential customers, clients and bookers.
Eden has worked with clients worldwide, including New York Times Bestselling Authors, Award-Winning Podcasts, YouTube Channels with Millions of Viewers and PWI Top 500 Wrestlers, in a range of styles from sleek, modern minimalism to 1930’s Art Deco to vintage crunchy grunge. Visit the links above for some examples of Eden’s work, or read the testimonials below for a view on how clients found working with Eden.
Whether you’re just starting out or looking to revamp your look, Eden can collaborate with you on any scale, ranging from a one-off event to a complete rebranding process. If you’d like to get in touch for a quote, or just a chat, shoot an email to